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The Dyno Story

The year was 1947, shortly after the end of World War II, Charles E. Knowlton Sr., a Seattle resident since 1928, and his son, Mark A. Knowlton, pooled their resources and purchased a modest eight-man "plant" the Dyno Battery Company, which manufactured car batteries.  Building on Dyno's already established reputation for producing a quality product, Charles and Mark embarked on a program to increase volume and product line.

In 1970, Charles retired from active participation in the family-owned business.  Mark, realizing that the market was expanding and the potential was unlimited, moved the operation from a rented basement facility located on the east side of Seattle's First Hill neighborhood, to its own building near Fishermen's Terminal in Ballard.  Since that time, the business has grown from its original 10,000 sq. ft. to its present size embracing a modern state-of-the-art manufacturing plant.

Carrying on the proud Knowlton tradition, Mark Allen Knowlton, Jr. joined the company in 1985 on a full-time basis to serve in the capacity of overseeing production and development.  This family-owned Seattle based plant is the only battery manufacturer in Washington state, the largest of its type in the region, and serves not only the Pacific Northwest and Alaska but also ships to distributors the world over.

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Last modified: 09/05/05