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Dyno Does Deep Cycle. (L to R); SSW - 12-Volt Sweeper, 6-Volt 3H, L-16, GC2b, 4H.

These batteries are subject to deep discharge where plate erosion is substantial.  To solve this problem, Dyno uses high density oxide to create a stronger cohesive bond of the active material which aids in the deep cycle application.  Dyno's golf and sweeper batteries have a proven track record for deep discharge service.

Key Benefits

bulletProven track record for Deep Cycle service
bulletHeavier weights, capacities, and longevity
bulletComplete 6-Volt, 8-Volt and 12-Volt Deep Cycle family
X-ref Dyno# A/H CCA Reserve WT Length Width Height Terminal

2-Volt DEEP CYCLE                  (Standard Terminals in BOLD, Optional Terminals in (x)

D1050 2VL16 1050 D/C 630* 120 12 3/8" 7 1/16" 16 1/2" #4 (2,3)

6-Volt DEEP CYCLE                   (Standard Terminals in BOLD, Optional Terminals in (x)

D-105 GC2c 225 D/C 105* 60 10 5/16" 7 1/16" 10 7/8" #2 (3)
D-125 GC2b 235 D/C 125* 66 10 5/16" 7 1/16" 10 7/8" #2 (3)
D-145 GC2H 245 D/C 145* 73 10 5/16" 7 1/16" 11 1/4" #2,(3)
D-260 3H 260 D/C 135* 74 11 5/8" 7 1/16" 11 7/8" #2 (3,4)
D-315 4H 315 D/C 180* 98 12 3/8" 7 1/16" 14" #2 (3,4)
D-350 L16 350 D/C 210* 118 12 3/8" 7 1/16" 16 1/2" #2 (3,4)
8-Volt DEEP CYCLE                   (Standard Terminals in BOLD, Optional Terminals in (x)
D-890 8VGC 167 D/C 85* 60 10 5/16" 7 1/16" 10 7/8" #3 only
19-4-1 m19d 250 D/C 495 177 26 7/8" 8 3/8" 11 1/4" Dbl #4
sd-17 sd-17 400 D/C 284 27 7/8" 7 3/4" 18"
sd-25 sd-25 600 D/C 410 27 7/8" 10 3/4" 18"
12-Volt DEEP CYCLE                 (Standard Terminals in BOLD, Optional Terminals in (x)
24DCM M24m 85 570 150 42 11 1/8" ** 6 3/4" 8 7/8" #3 only
27DCM M27m 100 640 190 50 12 7/8" ** 6 5/8" 8 15/16" #3 only
31DCM 30HH 115 560 200 62 12 7/8" 6 3/4" 9 3/4" Dual Term
D-185 SSW 185 D/C 90* 116 15 1/2" 7" 14 1/4" #2 (3,4)
4D 4Dd 180 D/C 385 116 20 3/8" 8 11/16" 9 13/16" #1 (3,4)
8D 8Dd 240 D/C 485 154 20 3/4" 11" 9 3/4" #1 (3,4)

  Battery SIZE note: (Deduct 7/8" = box size) **  Overall Case length INCLUDES flange for Handle

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Last modified: 09/05/05