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Dyno Unitized Industrial; High Capacity Forklift; Individual 2V Cells; Bolt-together Option Detail

Dyno industrial 2V Cells can be manufactured into a variety of configurations ranging from:

Unitized (w/standard specification sheets),
configurations (to match your existing forklift),
Individual 2V Cells for assembly in the field.

Required Specifications to Quote Industrial Cells

bulletVoltage desired (determines the number of cells required)
bulletAmperage desired (choose from chart below)
bulletPhysical Layout of cells (if desired)

All Cells 6.25" Wide

Cell Height 15" Cell Height 17" Cell Height 21" Cell Height 29"
Model Ah
Model Ah
Model Ah
Model Ah
2.00" D50-05 100 120 D65-05 130 156 D85-05 170 204 D120-05 240 288
2.75" D50-07 150 180 D65-07 195 234 D85-07 255 306 D120-07 360 432
3.50" D50-09 200 240 D65-09 260 312 D85-09 340 408 D120-09 480 576
4.25" D50-11 250 300 D65-11 326 390 D85-11 425 510 D120-11 600 720
5.00" D50-13 300 360 D65-13 390 468 D85-13 510 612 D120-13 720 864
5.75" D50-15 350 420 D65-15 455 546 D85-15 595 714 D120-15 840 1008
6.50" D50-17 400 480 D65-17 520 624 D85-17 680 816 D120-17 960 1152
7.25" D50-19 450 540 D65-19 585 702 D85-19 765 918 D120-19 1080 1296
8.00" D50-21 500 600 D65-21 650 780 D85-21 850 1020 D120-21 1200 1440
8.75" D50-23 550 660 D65-23 715 858 D85-23 935 1122 D120-23 1320 1584
9.50" D50-25 600 720 D65-25 780 936 D85-25 1020 1224 D120-25 1440 1728
10.25" D50-27 650 780 D65-27 845 1014 D85-27 1105 1326 D120-27 1560 1872
11.00" D50-29 700 840 D65-29 910 1092 D85-29 1190 1428 D120-29 1680 2016

Lead Time: Allow 2-3 weeks for fabrication (longer on non-stock sizes).  Call or email for more details.

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Last modified: 09/05/05