The Premiere Battery Manufacturer in Washington State.
Established in 1933 & Family Owned Since 1947.

Standard Specifications
Cover Color:Black
Case Color:Black
Case Material:Hard Rubber
AMP 20Hr Capacity:240
Reserve Capacity:490 Min at 25A
Plates Per Cell:29
Plate Thickness:. 090 / .080
Weight:114 lbs / 51 1/2 kg
Default Terminal:#4 Marine "L" Terminal
Battery Dimensions
English:24 7/16" x 7 1/2" x 11 3/8"
Metric:621 mm x 191 mm x 289 mm
Palletization: Std Palletes
Weight:3,075 lbs
1,395 kg
Configured:3 layers of 8
Special Notes
Rope handle included as standard (as pictured)
Terminals Key:
