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Web Changes

This is where we'll announce the most recent additions to our web site. If you've visited us before and want to know what's changed, take a look here first.

09/05/05: Web page now includes updated specifications on;

                    - 8VGC (8-Volt Golf Cart)
                    - GC2H (High Golf Cart)
                    - 2VL16 (our 1050AH 2V Battery in an L16 size case)
                    - Battery Boxes with downloaded spec sheets
                    - Railroad Batteries now have their own page. 



Recent Improvements at Dyno Battery, Inc.

New state-of-the-art cast on equipment is installed and producing our highest volume products including the golf cart line.  See our article entitled "Dyno is Raising-the-Bar".


Battery Charging -'101': Read about the basics of recharging discharged deep cycle batteries.

Battery Care - '101': The short list of basic battery care to help extend your battery's life.

Using a Hydrometer: Ray Hill's Article published in Los Angeles Times.


Other Commonly Requested Downloads

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) - a (.pdf format) summary MSDS Sheet for your review.

Activating Moist Dry Batteries - a (.pdf format) step by step instruction sheet.


Local Seattle Distribution:    Fisheries Supply Co
                                        1900 N Northlake Way
                                        Seattle, WA 98105

In Western Canada:            Davidson Battery Service LTD    or   Edmonds Batteries, LTD
                                        550 East Broadway                       #101-20131 Industrial Avenue
                                        Vancouver, BC V5T 1X5                  Langley, BC V3a 4K6
                                        PH: 604-879-8691                         PH: 604-534-7995
                                        FX: 604-879-8694                         FX: 604-534-5595

In the Dominican Republic:  
                                        Calle 27 de Febrero #41
                                        San Francisco Macoris
                                        República Dominicana
                                        PH: 809-223-3052

In Great Britain:                
                                        Unit 3, St. James Road,
                                        Corby, Northants NN18 8AL

In Australia:                     
                                        37-65 Cobalt Street
                                        Carole Park 4300
                                        Queensland, AUSTRALIA                                                                   

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Send mail to John@dynobattery.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: 03/02/09